We generally really enjoyed this 2014 film, written and directed by Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin, of Outnumbered fame. It had the perfect role for Billy Connolly and indeed, the movie sagged a little after his Viking themed departure. Although some critics scorned the happy ending, it was, in our opinion, the only way to go. A sensitive and dark theme was dealt with humorously.
We couldn’t fault the stellar cast and felt we’d like to see more of Annette Crosbie, who played more of a cameo role. We were fascinated to hear the story of why little Jess wore sunglasses in the film, due to an accident which left her eyes bloodshot. The children were charming and like the family in Outnumbered. Not many films have key roles for ostriches.
Perhaps it was a rather conventional film and agreed, it did feel episodic. A pre-Covid film, it seemed to come from a more innocent time - the children didn’t use their phones to find out about Viking funerals. Our discussion leader told us to watch the Burt Lancaster film Rocket Gibraltar, which apparently has a very similar plot.
We finished by singing Happy Birthday to a member of the discussion group before we sailed off home on our Viking longship.
Anne Goldstein