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Volunteer Principles

RCC can only function with volunteers willing to donate some time to make it happen. In recognition of this they need to be treated properly, and the following framework should guide that.

We acknowledge that volunteering should benefit RCC, the volunteer, and the audiences.  For all to get maximum benefit the value of each must be appreciated by others and contributions treated with appreciation, support, & respect.  Hence RCC needs to arrange volunteer positions with efficiency and sensitivity.

Volunteering demonstrates an admirable contribution to the community. No enforceable obligation can be imposed on volunteers to attend or complete tasks in a particular timeframe.  Similarly RCC cannot be expected to provide regular tasks, payment, or other benefit for the volunteer. Although there is no binding obligation either way, there is a presumption of mutual support, respect, and reliability.

There is a volunteer Scheduler (also a volunteer) whose role is to allocate tasks to available volunteers, offer guidance on how those are to be completed efficiently, and support when it is needed. All volunteers need be sensitive to the requirements of others and cooperate as fully as possible.

RCC is committed to equal opportunities for all without consideration of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, affluence, offending background, or political beliefs. However a sensible approach to risk and protection of vulnerable groups needs be maintained. 

Volunteers new to a particular task will be paired with more experienced volunteers and offered such training as is necessary to complete the task effectively. Feedback to the Coordinator relating to improvements that could enhance each task should be offered and given consideration and response. 

Volunteers should make the Scheduler aware of particular tasks they would like to undertake. The Scheduler will normally rotate volunteers around and within tasks taking into account each volunteer's availability, which must be passed to the Scheduler in a timely fashion – failure to do this at best inconveniences others and could potentially cause financial and reputational loss should a show have to be cancelled at short notice. 

Volunteers' reasonable out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed by RCC. These should be agreed with the Coordinator in advance and receipts provided against which payments will be made. 

RCC does not maintain insurance to cover damage to or loss of volunteers' personal possessions and so appropriate attention to safety and security must be maintained. 

In order to communicate with volunteers RCC will maintain contact details.  These will be treated as confidential.

Volunteers have the right to be treated fairly, sensitively, and considerately.  Should any volunteer be dissatisfied with their treatment this should be raised with the Coordinator in the first instance. If a satisfactory resolution is not obtained the Trustees as a whole may be addressed with relevant facts and supporting evidence where possible. If resolution proves impossible or the volunteer's behavior is judged seriously unacceptable they may be asked to change role or withdraw from RCC.


In summary:


RCC recognises the rights of volunteers to 

  • Know what is and is not expected of them

  • Have adequate support

  • Receive appreciation

  • Volunteer in a safe environment

  • Know their rights and responsibilities

  • Be reimbursed for reasonable out of pocket expenses

  • Be free from discrimination


RCC expects volunteers to 

  • Be reliable and honest

  • Offer audiences the best experience they can

  • Not cause RCC to come into disrepute by action or inaction


Key requests

  • Let the Scheduler know at least a week before any film you cannot help with and confirm task requests promptly

  • Advance the cause by liking, following, & sharing Facebook and Twitter posts

  • Add photos to our Facebook page and words to our blog

  • Look out for ways we can improve

Rusthall Community Cinema, Sunnyside Community Hall, Rusthall Road, Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells, TN4 8RA England.
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